Erasmus Training Courses for School StaffFor more information contact: [email protected] |
No | Course Title | Duration | Intro/ Purpose | Aims | Indicative Content | Groups | Dates |
1 | English for Educators (intermediate) | 7 days | The course provides participants with a detailed understanding of the English language (intermediate level). Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate an improved performance in both written and oral English through the use of the in-house intermediate level resource packs. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | Flexible – In agreement with the School |
2 | Preparation & Implementation of Erasmus projects | 7 days | This course is designed for those involved in programme management and coordination providing expertise in dealing with the management and the demands of reporting and monitoring Erasmus projects. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | |
3 | Educational Leadership & Management | 7 days | This course is of interest to people in the wider field of education and educational leadership roles. There are opportunities for developing soft skills and learning how to utilise leadership tool-kits to impact on workplace development. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | |
4 | Entrepreneurship in Education | 7 days | Entrepreneurship education is a lifelong learning process, starting as early as primary school and progressing through all levels of education. This course is designed for those wishing to learn about entepreneurship and teach elements of entrepreneurship in the classroom. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | |
5 | Comparative Education | 7 days | Those who operate within the broad field of education must be able to recognise differing educational systems. This course aims to develop that knowledge, encouraging trainees to relate the course to their nation’s own educational provision, and examine how it compares to other systems on offer. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | |
6 | Career Counselling | 7 days | Teachers should encourage the student to discover knowledge, to learn how to learn. Teachers have multiple roles to perform, not only to teach but also to provide the right career guidance to the students, setting them up for future success. A comprehensive career counselling training for teachers is the critical bridge to help them provide their students the best support. |
Preschool, primary and secondary, vocational teachers | |
7 | Inclusive Education | 7 days | The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the theoretical framework, legislation, provisions and support framework in the field of special educational needs but also to develop critical thinking around the concept of inclusion. |
Secondary & vocational teachers | |
8 | Intercultural Education | 7 days | The migratory and refugee flows that pervade the wider Euro-Mediterranean area have created new, special needs and challenges for the host countries. This course aims to enhance the teaching practices of professionals working or intending to work in intercultural contexts. |
Preschool, primary and secondary teachers | |
9 | Developing Skills for Educators | 7 days | This course is designed to cultivate a variety of transferable (soft) skills considered essential for educators at all levels. A vital aim is to enable trainees to be able to apply those skills to educational settings. |
Preschool, primary and secondary teachers | |
10 | ICT in Education | 7 days | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used in every level of education. It is an essential tool for current educators and students to develop both cognitive and technological skills. The course will offer trainees an outlook on best practices to use ICT to support their teaching practices. |
Preschool, primary and secondary teachers | |
11 | Counselling Theory & Skills in Education | 7 days | This course is designed for teachers who wish to specialise in the area of psychology applied to educational / school settings. It will help them acquire the essential and counselling skills, to meet the profession’s demands. |
Preschool, primary and secondary teachers |

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