MEng / BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering & Construction
No1 in Greece | TOP30 in the UK.
Leads to an integrated Master’s degree.
Covers all Civil Engineering study fields.
Worldwide professional recognition.

Course Information
The School of Engineering at Mediterranean College was established in 2005 and was the first to ever offer an MEng Civil Engineering degree in Greek private higher education. The MEng/ BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering & Construction is validated by the University of Derby, a TOP30 UK University, according to the Guardian University Guide, 2020. Derby is a city of technology, with world-famous companies including Rolls-Royce, Bombardier and Toyota right on the University’s doorstep.
This is a five-year undergraduate programme with integrated Master’s, which can lead to a charted engineer status, according to the requirements of the UK Institute of Civil Engineers, and to full professional recognition in Greece.
What you will study
Our course is designed to cover the four, key civil engineering study fields: Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Infrastructure, mapping the Greek State University curriculum. It is also aligned with the Greek engineering industry, containing dynamics, structural analysis and reinforced concrete modules, so as to facilitate the local degree professional recognition process and to provide wide employment prospects in private or public construction projects.
This course enhances your skills in advanced areas of civil engineering theory, particularly structures and infrastructure design. You develop a thorough understanding of the process of civil engineering technical design and management. You are also introduced to key design skills in structures, fluids, geology, soil mechanics, surveying and materials. Your practice is strengthened with the use of contemporary software tools, such as AutoCAD, Beam2D, SAP2000/ARSA, MATLAB, and the focus on management enables you to develop entrepreneurial activity and pursue higher managerial positions in the technical sector.
You have access to high-end labs and facilities, enhancing your practical skills: Metrology, Concrete, CAD Design, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Technology & Strength of Materials, Fluid Engineering. Our specialised academic staff and collaborating business partners keep you up to date with the latest industry developments and scientific research.
Why choose this course
- The degree is awarded by the TOP ranked UK University in Greece and TOP30 in Britain.
- It is the 1st MEng Civil Engineering programme to be offered in Greek private higher education.
- It is a five-year undergraduate, integrated Master's degree, which can lead to full professional rights in Greece, the UK and internationally.
- You may exit the course in 4 years, with a BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering & Construction and achieve an Incorporated Engineer professional status.
- The programme focuses on Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Infrastructure Engineering.
- You practice the most renowned software: AutoCAD, Beam2D, SAP2000/ARSA, MATLAB LAB.
- You have access to both internal and high-quality external lab facilities.
- You broaden your horizons through industrial visits and field trips, guest lectures by leading professionals and real-life projects.
- You become a bilingual mechanical engineer, with excellent academic & professional prospects.
You will learn through lectures – including guest lectures, practical demonstrations and labs, tutorials, industry visits, field trips and extensive e-learning material. Assessment is designed to include individual and team coursework, case studies, prototype design, professional presentations, and written exams. Through dissertation, you will undertake to tackle realistic industry problems, that will give you an insight of real workplaces.
Year 1
Mathematics for Study in Technology
The aim of this module is to provide the fundamental mathematical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully progress to undergraduate study in technology. The module introduces you to, or refreshes your knowledge of, mathematical terms, basic algebra, calculus and geometry and trigonometry.
Scholarship for Technologies
A crucial stage in the development of the student is in the assumption of responsibility for learning. The student must be self-motivated, organised and independent. The development of critical thinking and meticulousness is fundamental to university study. This module will provide you with a variety of scholarly and communication competencies necessary for a successful career in the engineering and technology fields.
English for Study in Technology Part A
English for Study in Technology A aims to increase students’ general English ability and introduce some features of academic language use with particular focus on the study of technology. By the end of the module students should have reached IELTS 5.0 equivalent level.
Engineering Science
This module deals with basic engineering science concepts, together with analytical and practical applications in mechanical and civil engineering science. It enables students to use fundamental mathematical techniques for the evaluation, analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems. It also aims to develop an understanding of basic electrical and electronic theory and principles.
Introduction to Structural Analysis and Dynamics
This module provides the fundamental concepts, together with elementary analytical and practical applications in engineering disciplines in order to reinforce students’ knowledge in scientific principles and thereby prepare students for future engineering studies. It also provides a framework for developing a good knowledge of the important theories, principles, procedures and codes that form the basis of structural analysis and design.
English for Study in Technology Part B
English for Study in Technology B aims to further students’ general English ability and knowledge of features of academic language use with particular focus on the study of technology. By the end of the module students should have reached IELTS 5.5 equivalent level.
Year 2
Applied Mathematics 1
The module has been designed to enable you to use fundamental algebra, trigonometry, and statistics for the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems likely to be involved at early stages of the Degree level and in the workplace at technician level.
Civil Engineering Construction
The module aims to establish and develop a base of knowledge of the technology associated with civil engineering projects, including bridges, structures and infrastructure. Designers’ concerns in choice and specification of components are considered along with assembly methods, against a background of regulatory controls and safety issues in the approaches and equipment deployed in civil engineering construction operations taking into consideration the Greek regulations.
Construction CAD and Personal Development
This module invites you to prepare, modify and enhance designs using CAD software as the principal platform. You will be able to explore various features and functions of CAD software and apply them in the design process. It provides you with an introduction to the knowledge and skills required to use appropriate computer software as an aid to design in the built environment industry.
English for Study in Technology C
English for Study in Technology C aims to further students’ general English ability and knowledge of features of academic language use with particular focus on the study of technology. By the end of the module students should have reached IELTS 6.0 equivalent level.
Structures 1
This module provides a framework for developing a sound knowledge of the important theories, principles, procedures and codes that form the basis of structural analysis and design. It provides you with analytical skills and an appreciation of how this knowledge might be applied in practice.
Construction Materials Technology
This module introduces students to fundamental materials concepts that will enable them to understand and choose materials for practical applications within the construction industry. Use will be made of materials selection software and the module will have a practical applications-based slant. The environmental aspects of materials are also considered including sustainability, and the health and safety aspects related to the handling and use of construction materials.
Site Surveying
Surveying techniques are of concern to many built environment practitioners – either for recording existing topographical and built features or for setting out new work. This module offers you a combination of theory based and practical fieldwork to develop a sound knowledge of the essential surveying procedures and recording protocols, linking traditional manual techniques to applications, so that you can feel confident in the modern workplace.
Year 3
Infrastructure Design 2
This module provides you with an opportunity to be involved in designing infrastructure systems, after they have studied the guiding Standards and performance Codes and regulations. This approach utilises workplace opportunities and case studies as operational sites. The importance of awareness of health and safety implications for constructors, repairers and users will be stressed as aspects of the content are studied.
Applied Mathematics 2
The module has been designed to enable you to apply algebra, trigonometry, matrices, vectors, calculus, and statistics and probability, to the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems found at degree level and in the professional workplace.
Project Planning and Development
The construction process involves a myriad of activities that must be efficiently planned and controlled if any construction project is to be delivered to meet client expectations with respect to cost, time, and quality. This module covers essential methods and techniques required for efficient planning and controlling construction activities and for improving productivity of the construction process.
Fluids and Drainage Engineering
You will be introduced to the basic principles of fluid engineering including specific hydraulic theories related to pressure measurement in fluids, behaviour of flow in pipes, and the characteristics of open channel flow. The module will integrate hydrostatic and hydrodynamic theory with the practice of drainage design and water conveyance.
Structural Design and Assessment 2
This module develops and enhances the previously gained knowledge of the important principles, procedures and codes that form the basis of structural analysis and design. It will provide you with analytical skills and an appreciation of how this knowledge might be utilised for understanding the structural behaviour in a civil engineering and large building context.
Geology and Soil Mechanics
This module involves you in considering various aspects of the interaction between structures and the soils on which they are founded as it is crucial to the stability of buildings. Basic physical properties of different soils are investigated, and current methods of testing for soil performance are considered, with laboratory-based work to support learning. The module strengthens students’ ability to contribute to the safe design of buildings and structures.
Year 4
Geotechnics 3
The primary aim of this module is to provide the fundamental review of the role of a fundamental understanding of the ground has in the competent design of projects. It will include work on the flow of water, consolidation, slope stability and the potential of contaminants in the soil. In light increased pressure to redevelop brownfield sites you will study the processes and techniques available to decontaminate sites and control further contamination.
Civil Engineering and Construction Management
The module will introduce the concept of professional ethics, and the link to sustainability in construction and the investigation of existing and newly developing technologies designed to address energy demand through alternative sources. Management of multi-disciplinary teams and organisational design will be a key feature and the module explores these issues and attempts to supply the student with the practical tools of effective organisational management and the critical evaluation techniques needed to apply them successfully.
Advanced Structural Analysis and Design 3
This module extends the understanding and application of Structural Analysis and Design previously gained. Analysis is extended to include indeterminate structures and computer methods and design is broadened to include double reinforcement and continuous beam design. The module provides you with conceptual, analytical and applicable knowledge necessary for the successful solution of structural engineering problems encountered in a civil engineering and large building context.
Fluid Mechanics 3
You will cover aspects of fluid engineering including the design of pipes, channels, culverts, and weirs. The conveyance of potable water and sewage will be placed into an engineering context using calculations, design charts, and hydraulic modelling tools. The use of pumps will also be considered including the selection of appropriate types for use in varying civil engineering related situations.
Independent Study & Professional Development (Civil Engineering and Construction)
This module requires you to produce a coherent, sustained and comprehensive research based study, demonstrating an ability to generate complex proposals with awareness of current issues in the construction field. You will be challenged to demonstrate a critical understanding of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research in production of clear, logically argued and original work related to the field of study.
Year 5
Research Methods, Application and Evaluation
This module will enable you to develop your practice in undertaking research by identifying and applying advanced research methodologies; both within your taught modules and for your Interdisciplinary Team Project. Your learning will include how to identify, evaluate, and apply diverse research approaches to research, the process of collecting and evaluating different types of data and how to relate findings to current research and development projects within a team. During your study you will be able to compare the use of both quantitative techniques and qualitative techniques in engineering research.
Environmental Risk and Responsibility
The module enables engineers to critically evaluate how their individual professional actions, decisions and leadership of others interacts with the society in which they are working and affects environmental risk and the sustainable future of the planet. This is an interdisciplinary module so that students will be asked to work outside their areas of expertise and interact with other students and members of the community from different cultural, social and disciplinary areas to evaluate and offer design and technological decisions to reduce environmental risks.
Flood Risk Management
The module will introduce the concepts of flood risk analysis and management within the context of current European and Greek policies and legislation. Current techniques in considering climate change will be presented in outline, as will latest guidance on producing flood risk assessments. The module will focus on river and urban flooding, including hydraulic modelling techniques and it will provide understanding of flood risk and its relevance to river management and development planning.
Earthquake Engineering (optional)
This module brings together theoretical fundamentals, engineering practice and code regulations for aseismic designs and enables students to understand the philosophy of earthquake resistant design and appreciate the behaviour of structures subjected to earthquake actions. Advanced structural concepts, such as resonance and vibration reduction, will be demonstrated. A finite element software package will be used to conduct earthquake resistant design of a frame structure based on Eurocode 8.
Design of Steel and Concrete Buildings (optional)
This module aims to teach the fundamentals of the conceptual design of a range of structural framing systems used in the construction sector. This is achieved through issues related to structural form and behaviour, analysis, practical considerations in steel fabrication and codification using EC2 and EC3. The aim is to integrate structural analysis knowledge and to provide approximate and quick design methods for guidance on the bearing structure’s sizing.
CPD and Strategic Management
This module is designed to develop students’ managerial skills in preparation for work in a global industry environment. Students will study strategic concepts and will be able to transfer them into their own industry/specialism through a structured approach. Emphasis is placed on managing the global future by analysis rather than by instinct. Students will become adept at forecasting, financial analysis but still operate with regard to business ethics.
MEng Interdisciplinary Group Project
The Interdisciplinary Group Project (IGP) is a key feature in the MEng Civil Engineering and Construction programme. In this module, you will work in teams on complex projects, which will be broad in scope and closely associated with an industry problem or a current research area of the College or industry. Each project will be supervised by a member of academic staff, but there will also be regular interaction with industrialists or researchers involved in the area.
Admission Requirements
This course is right for you, if you are a high school graduate of any discipline with the necessary English language skills, who aspires to build a career as a Civil Engineer.
The minimum English language requirement for the bilingual course (Greek and English) is equivalent to IELTS 4.5 (B1) and for the English-taught course is equivalent to IELTS 6.0 (B2). If you do not possess an official English language certificate, you can sit the College’s internal placement test.
Moreover, you’ll be asked to submit a reference letter from a tutor, and you’ll be called for an academic interview with the programme leader.
If you are a general high school graduate from a technology study route and high marks or an IEK diploma holder in Construction, you are eligible to apply for direct entry to the 2nd year of study. If you are an HND graduate or a University student or graduate in a relevant discipline, you may be granted advanced entry, through recognition of prior learning.
Application & Enrolment
We use a rolling admissions policy, so we accept applications throughout the calendar year until all available places are filled. Since this is one of the most popular courses at Mediterranean College, we urge you to submit your application in time.
We also offer multiple fee payment methods, individual payment plans and bursaries based on academic, athletic and socio-economic criteria.
Contact us today and find out more about this course and the available bursaries and funding opportunities. Our admissions advisors will provide you with all necessary information and will guide you through the application and enrolment process.
Degree recognition
As a holder of a recognised MEng degree, you may individually apply for membership with the UK Institute of Civil Engineers. This five-year MEng course allows you to pursue a Chartered Engineer (CEng) status, so that you can also claim full professional recognition in Greece. The four-year BEng programme leads to an Incorporated Engineer professional status. In any case, should you wish to obtain a license to practice in Greece, you are required to apply for professional recognition with ATEEN (Hellenic Ministry of Education), which grants you the right to then register with the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Here you can view professional recognition ministerial decisions for some of our BSc (3 or 4-year course) Engineering graduates.
Click here for more information on the degree recognition procedure by Greek authorities.
Postgraduate study
After successfully completing the programme, you may continue for a Master’s degree at Mediterranean College or at overseas universities. At Mediterranean College you can choose among:
If you wish to combine Engineering with Management and pursue higher managerial positions in the Engineering or other industries, you may like one of the following postgraduate courses:
As a Civil Engineer you can work in the design, construction, maintenance, and management of buildings and infrastructures, in the private or public sector. You may work as a freelancer Civil Engineer or as an associate or employee at:
- Technical/ construction firms
- Engineering planning/ consulting agencies
- Construction materials & machine trading companies
- Repair companies
- Workshops and research laboratories
- Consultancies
My experience at the College taught me many things that will help me in my professional career. Among those things are consistency and an ethical approach to the work place. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my tutors for the excellent work they performed, which has made my studies painless, leaving a very pleasant experience and a feeling that my efforts were worthwhile....
Diogenis Vakontios, BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
An exciting period of my life came to an end. It was three unforgettable years through which I gained the necessary knowledge on the subject of Mechanical Engineering. Among the various events, visits and workshops that I attended with my classmates, in a climate of cooperation and a common purpose, I completed my studies at Mediterranean College. There was a genuine cooperation between the College staff and students, who...
Aggelos Fois, BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
I'd never go anywhere else, because I would be bored, there's so much things to do as a mature student, the college is amazing, the people are great and you never get bored!...
Andreas Lazarides, BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering